Mike Jeffords. I shot some of his and Jimmy's at the same time, so they were having a lot of fun messing around. Mike was great at smiling on cue, and took some great pictures.

Rachel Youngell. I shot these of Rachel after I took some of their family. We were both a little tired while taking these, but it was fun rearranging their living room and hanging out with my cousin.
Allie Rogers. For most of her pictures we went to Crystal Falls which is a great place to take photos. Its has a great rustic urban feel to it. We spent a little more time there than we should of, but it was a great time. Some of Allie's photos are my favorites.
Glenn Church. We shot his photo's a few different times. The last time was right before open day, so he was a little anxious to get to camp. I even climbed a tree to take some of his photos and almost fell. He took some really nice photos too.